Apr 18, 2015


Siva is just 17 years old but speaks as if he has crossed 70. “If I hadn’t been rescued and nurtured here,” says Siva, “I would just have been any illiterate lad still doing street circus or worse still, now that street circuses don’t hold the same charm as in old days and are no more a sure means of survival, who knows I might even have ended up as some anti-social element out there on the streets, peddling drugs, pick-pocketing, etc.”

But thanks to the sincere efforts of an NGO, this teenager has with his roller skates on, rolled out over the years to a very bright side of society, and keeps earning glories not only for himself but also for his guardian organization. 2014 saw him earn 1st place in Ernakulam District Roll Ball Skating Championship (Junior), 3rd place in Kerala State Roll Ball Championship (Junior) and 4th place in National Roll Ball Championship (Junior). Well, this isn’t the whole story. His talents far exceed these achievements. A deeper look into his past will make things more clear.

Siva doesn’t have any memories of his mother because she had passed away early on. His father was a drunkard who had mercilessly employed him and his brother Dharma in street circus. Siva still recollects how scared he used to be the early days when his father would delicately balance him on top of a long stick. “A fall – and that would have been the end of me,” says Siva, “or perhaps if I survived the fall, I would have been destined to live the life of a cripple with some broken limbs, ribs or spine. I have a sister who is lame of both lower limbs… we haven’t lived together much… she was handed over by my father to a rehabilitation home years ago… but I understand how difficult it is to live like that, with such physical challenges.”

Siva’s father, a native of Andhra Pradesh, along with his sons and a few others kept moving from place to place, like nomads do, in search of fresher pastures for their street circus. And thus, passing through Tamil Nadu, they stepped into Kerala. Siva’s father used to treat his children so badly that he would spend the money he collected by risking the lives of his kids on street  circus, to meet his own drinking needs rather than in providing enough food to the kids. Siva remembers that whenever some passers-by were not kind enough to give them something to eat, he and his brother have had to lie down with a hungry stomach many a night.

However, in 2004, when Siva was six years old, things took a dramatic turn. All at once, curtains fell on their misery when Police rescued Siva and his brother from the clutches of their insensitive father and handed them over to Janaseva Sisubhavan, an NGO based in Aluva (Ernakulam District, Kerala State) working to rehabilitate street children. The NGO at once obtained legal permission to look after the children, their father not being in a position to provide them good nourishment, shelter and education. At Janaseva Sisubhavan, the brothers not only got these basic requirements met, but also happened to enjoy a hitherto-unknown world of love and laughter, friends and games. Shri Jose Mavely, the founder of Janaseva Sisubhavan, whom the children fondly call as Jose Uncle, although not a man of much formal education, had great vision, sensitivity and skill enough to harness the potential talents of each of his children. It didn’t take him long to find out that Siva and his brother Dharma had inborn inclination for a variety of arts and sports, and that if groomed up and trained sufficiently well, they will come up with some wonderful achievements. And, much to their own delight, over the years, the two little brothers grew up proving their Jose Uncle right at every turn.

As a child, the multi-talented Siva’s stage skills ranged from cinematic dance to folk dance, from mimicry to drama, from mono-act to elocution. His sporting talents are spread across a range of games like cricket, football, basketball, handball, athletics, etc. But his focus is now more on roll ball, roller skating cricket, etc., any sport which involves the use of roller skates. Once Shri Jose Mavely invited a great roller skater and international umpire, Shri P. A. Alaxander to Janaseva and requested him to demonstrate and introduce the art and sport of roller skating to his children. After a couple of years when Shri Alexander returned to Janaseva he was surprised to find that one of the children not only still remembered in detail certain nuances of roller skating balance that he had previously taught them just casually, but also showed exceptional balance in skating even after such a long break. That was Siva. Shri Alexander knew at once that Siva is capable of going a long way up. And, Siva’s Jose Uncle didn’t hesitate even a bit then to hire none other than Shri Alexander himself to coach the boy to success.

Today, Siva goes from place to place, Erode, Pune, etc., not as a nomadic street circus player but as the captain of his prestigious team of players. He loves to play as a goal keeper in roll ball and as a wicket keeper in roller skating cricket. He gives credit for his success to his coach Alexander, his Jose Uncle and many others at his school and at Janaseva who have over the years been helping and encouraging him to play consistently well. He passed 10th standard from MAHS, Nedumbassery and is now a student of Government HSS, Chengamanad, presently awaiting his 11th standard results. Besides pursuing his studies and taking part in various sporting events at the same time, he is also engaged in imparting district level training to several other promising juniors in his favorite sports, roll ball and roller skating cricket.

Siva’s father who is now a much reformed man visits his children at Janaseva once in a while. He says: “If not for this Institution, how bad it would have been with my children. I couldn’t teach my children anything, I was just putting their lives at stake. But my children have taught me now many things. It’s Janaseva and my children who have opened my eyes.” Siva now finds it a bit difficult to communicate with his father in his mother tongue, Telugu. “But,” says Siva, “real communication takes place from heart to heart. And, now that my father has one, what’s the problem between us?”One wonderful thing about Siva is that he is not at all affected by any of his achievements. He doesn’t nurture any big dreams, but isn’t afraid the least to take up any great challenges. He is an easy go, humble and simple teenager who has already learnt well to look at life from varied angles. He just wants to roll his life ahead with such fun and ease as does he when on his roller skates.